Natural ways to manage eczema flare ups

Eczema is a chronic skin condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It is characterised by an itchy, red rash that can be painful and uncomfortable. While there are several medical treatments available for eczema, many people seek natural remedies to manage their symptoms and prevent flare-ups. 

Natural remedies can be effective in reducing inflammation, relieving itching, and improving skin hydration. In this article, we will explore some natural ways to manage eczema flare-ups, including lifestyle changes and home remedies that may help alleviate symptoms and improve overall skin health.

Natural Lifestyle Suggestions:

Moisturising affected areas at least twice a day is important for managing eczema as dry skin is both a symptom and cause. Coconut oil is a natural moisturiser that also has antibacterial, anti-fungal, and antimicrobial properties, which can provide relief and speed up the healing process.

Psychological factors can also contribute to eczema, and techniques like hypnosis, mindfulness meditation, progressive muscle relaxation, and cognitive-behavioural therapy may help alleviate symptoms during a flare-up and prevent future ones.

Taking sea salt baths can improve skin hydration, enhance skin barrier function, reduce inflammation, and relieve redness and roughness. However, it’s important to use warm water and avoid high and low temperatures that can worsen eczema flares. Instead of rubbing the skin dry, pat it gently with a soft towel. Mungo Murphy Sea Soap is a product to try.

Phototherapy or light therapy can help reduce inflammation, relieve itching, increase vitamin D production, and fight bacteria on the skin. Even a small amount of sun exposure, about 10-15 minutes per day, can provide relief and speed up the healing process during an eczema flare-up.

Which foods should you cut out?

Additives: Additives and preservatives found in processed foods can harm gut health, potentially leading to eczema.

Allergens: Be cautious of foods that you are allergic to, such as gluten, dairy, shellfish, and peanuts. Testing options are available to help you identify your specific food triggers.

Inflammatory fats: Processed oils found in margarines and fried food can hinder the absorption of essential fats crucial for healing and be harmful to skin health.

Refined sugar: Consuming excess sugar can increase inflammation, reduce immune function, disrupt sleep, and affect the balance of gut bacteria, potentially leading to eczema.

Dairy: Dairy products may trigger eczema outbreaks in those who are allergic to dairy or lactose intolerant because they may not be able to digest certain proteins from dairy products, leading to an inflammatory response that can trigger eczema symptoms. Fermented dairy products may be better tolerated.

In conclusion, eczema can be a challenging condition to manage, but there are many natural ways to alleviate its symptoms and prevent flare-ups. Making lifestyle changes such as avoiding triggers and adopting a healthy diet can help manage eczema. It’s important to note that while natural remedies can be effective, it’s always best to consult with a healthcare professional before trying any new treatment. With patience and persistence, it is possible to manage eczema naturally and improve overall skin health.

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Skin Care Tips – Choosing the Best Products

For the maintenance of healthy skin, we need to take care of our skin in the best possible manner. Here are different skin care tips which can help you know about the right kind of care regime that you should follow for your skin.

A good skin tone is a sign of a healthy person. Being ignorant about the right kind of skin care and using harmful chemicals over a period of time can result in endless skin related problems So, we should adopt different skin care tips and techniques which will help us in the maintenance of our skin to ensure that it always stays in a healthy condition.

The first important tip is the protection. Our skin is sensitive to harmful sun rays. Sun produces ultraviolet rays which directly affects the layers of our skin. The other conditions such as wrinkles and age spots are also the main side effects of unprotected exposure to the sun rays. With little care and maintenance, you can easily protect yourself from the effects of sun rays. Sunscreen helps in providing the protection from the sun. You need to use the right kind of sunscreen before stepping out and then reapply it after every three hours. You can try and avoid moving out during from 11 am to 4 pm, especially in the summers as the effect can be worst during these hours. There are many cases when you just cannot avoid moving out during these hours but, even if you are, make sure to wear clothes that can keep the whole body covered.

Another factor is the treatment of the skin. The skin should be treated in a gentle way for its maintenance. Many people spend a lot of time in shower which eliminates essential oils from the skin resulting in dry and dull looking skin. Another step is to moisturize the skin. You can use a natural moisturiser or essential oils to reduce the effects of dryness. Natural beauty products and organic body wash base hydrate the skin with the tri-blend of cocoa, shea and coconut butter eliminating different skin problems such as irritation due to eczema. Also, be gentle while rubbing your body with a towel to ensure that natural oils of your body are not rubbed away.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is another important aspect for all those looking for a healthy skin. Include a lot of fruits, fresh vegetables and juices in your diet. Stay away of smoking, caffeine and alcohol as much as you can and last but not the least, drink at least 8-10 glasses of water to keep your skin and body hydrated.

The Ultimate Growth of Online Pharmacies

The rapid increase in online shopping gave rise to a new way of shopping for medicines known as an online pharmacy. An online pharmacy or E-Pharmacy is a pharmacy service that operates over the online mode. Just like any other shopping site, it provides medical products in just one click at your home. Online pharmacies must follow the laws just like any other pharmacy. According to laws, only registered licensed pharmacies are entitled to work, and a prescription of medicines is obligatory. Furthermore, all the medicines are mandatory to be certified as well as verified before their delivery. We can conveniently order medicines with our preferred mobile-based application or website.

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Why are online pharmacies better?

  • Convenience: E-Pharmacies provide medicines at comparatively less cost than offline pharmacies. As they are “online,” they can reach people living at any place, even those living in remote areas. It reduces traveling. We neither have to travel or wait in line nor even move to different locations for buying the medicines. We can save both our time and our money. We can have all our needed medicines at our home in just a few clicks.
  • Easy use: Using online mode is extremely common and easy. We can comfortably order our medicines without any hassle with our preferred or available devices. That means we can easily fulfill our medical requirements with just one click. For so many people who are not comfortable going to a traditional pharmacy they can easily buy medicines online.
  • Availability: We sometimes face problems with the availability of a particular medicine at a pharmacy. Thus we have to check out more than one pharmacy to find the medicine. But, in an E-pharmacy, we can easily find medicines on one platform. If not, we can only go to another platform with one click; we don’t have to roam at different locations to find medicines. But that’s a rare case as E-pharmacies usually have larger medical stocks and a greater variety of choices than traditional medical stores.
  • Information: We usually have our own queries regarding medicines and consulting experts is not always possible, maybe because of a busy schedule or other problems. While on the internet, we can easily seek experts’ advice and add our queries online to get answered. This can again save a lot of time and is extremely convenient. Moreover, you can receive all the information online, whether it is regarding the medicine or the illness. It also shows if the medication is vital for our illness or not.
  • Refills are automatic: Depending on the prescription we might have provided, online pharmacies automatically refill the medication according to the requirements. We don’t need to send our prescription again and again; our medication will be updated according to our needs and requests.

E-pharmacies offer multiple benefits, according to the person. It gives easy access to medicines along with information regarding both medicines and illness. Even if we failed to visit a pharmacy because of our schedule or because of its unapproachability, we can easily access an online pharmacy and can complete all our medical needs without any difficulty.